2024 Event Photos

First Saturday Meeting at D-Patrick Porsche

Pictures from our meeting. Great turnout with a review with Mike about the Evansville Wartime Museum, Technical Session with Brad of D-Patrick Service, our normal donuts and coffee, and our Porsche Club Meeting. Good time!

Nice crowd of cars at the monthly meeting.

Shark blue Turbo S and others.

Mark’s black and yellow beast and others.

Matt’s shark blue Spyder – just beautiful.

Mike making a sales pitch on behalf of the Evansville Wartime Museum.

Many members made contributions or signed on as members to help support the Evansville Wartime Museum. Our Porsche Club should be proud!

Dave and Doug. Why does Doug have that sinister smile?

The newlyweds – John and Laurel.

Michael, Terry, Eric and Mike.

James and his son, great Porsche enthusiasts!

John and Laura.

Mike with his Porsche.

Manuel and Dean.

Kenny and Mike.

Raymond and Danny.

Michael and Laura with their black Porsche.

Cool car!

John with his Porsche.

John and Laurel’s McLaren at the meeting.

Neil’s Ferrari at the meeting.

Jeff with his GT3.

Terry and his Porsche.

Brad leading our club through a Technical Session.

Our crowd gathering for the Technical Session.

The Macan was in for engine work.

Dean with his mean red machine.

Neil with his Ferrari at the meeting. He is on the hunt for the right Porsche.

John and Laurel in their McLaren.

Manuel in his white Porsche.

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