Drive to Stoll’s Lakeview Restaurant
On this drive we had about 22 cars and over 30 people. Great time!

One of our favorite places to go. Nice buffet, plenty of parking and a great view of the lake.

Mark with his Spyder. Cool car.

Criss with his new Cayman GTS in chalk.

Eric with his Boxster.

Dean in his Cayman GTS.

Dale in his Turbo with his neat Porsche jacket.

Mike with his 911 Carrera Cabriolet.

Jerry and Lea Ann with their 911 Carrera.

Scott and Linda with their Turbo S Cabriolet.

Linda, Dee Dee, Manual and Scott.

Dee Dee and Manuel with their Turbo S Cabriolet.

Joe and Jean with their Boxster.

Jerry and Susan in the rainforest green metallic 911 Carerra.

Kenny and Rita with their Boxster.

Jim and Marty in their Boxster.

Don and Donna in their Spyder.

Tracy and his wife with their beautiful blue Carrera Cabriolet.

Steve with his Boxster.

Pam with her black and yellow Cayman. Mark is around somewhere.

Doug with his 911 Carrera GTS.

Doug’s friend by his 911 Carrera GTS.

Bob with his shark blue Turbo S.

Alan with his beautiful 911 Carrera S. There is something about this car that it just pops!

Dave and Gail by their Boxster S.

Parked at Stoll’s.

Great view, Porsches with a lake in the background.

Such a beautiful lake view.

Jerry, Doug, Alan and Susan enjoying the buffet. And Jerry is ready with his camera!

Jerry, Manuel, Dee Dee, Cheryl, Dave, Mark, Dale, Linda and Scott.

Jim, Marty, Dave, Mark, Cheryl, Gail, and Kenny.

Don, Donna, and Tracy and his wife.

Joe, Eric, Steve, Mark, Dean, Criss and Jean.

Great fellowship with the group.

The buffet was great as usual.

These are Porsche members from a different region. We just happened to run into them.
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